Qassemi said, 'The baseless and hollow allegations the Saudi officials especially their foreign minister keep labeling against Iran’s constructive and positive role in the region has become too repetitive and tiresome.'
He said Iran’s advisory presence in Syria and the spiritual and political assistance it offers to the innocent people of certain Islamic countries in the region who are subject to an un-harnessed wave of violence by Takfiri terrorist groups serves to maintain regional and international stability and security.
Qassemi said all regional countries are expected to adopt a positive and constructive attitude and take practical steps towards restoring security and peace with the aim of stopping massacre of innocent pople.
Today, more than any time before, the truth behind regional developments and the facts about those who are responsible for insecurity and instability in the region have come known to the public so conducting a game of blame and attempts to transform realities will be no longer effective with the well-informed people, the spokesman added.
He went on to stress that the country which is seemingly in need of changing its incorrect and non-constructive attitudes in the world and the region is the Saudi government as it has to cut its military attacks against defenseless women and children in Yemen and stop supporting terrorist groups across the region specially in Syria.
He said regional security, an end to terrorism, safeguarding countries’ integral territories and the Islamic world’s unity against the common enemies of Muslims are top priorities for Iran.
He said it would be better for Saudi Arabia to reconsider its manners in the region and try to replace hallucinations with rationalism.