“We will work so that the battle is on their side, inside Iran, not in Saudi Arabia,” Saudi Defense Minister Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud has recently stated.
The basis of such statements by the Saudi officials has clearly deep roots in a policy prescribed by the US and particularly the mischievous Zionists who try to spread the infectious disease of warmongering to other nations.
But apparently, the first and the most victim of such warmongering policy is brazenly the Saudi Arabia, childishly exultant of the dollars gained by selling oil, trying to show off what they falsely think is ‘hegemony’ in the region to prove they are the most influential so-called power in the region.
According to British newspaper, ‘Independent’, Donald Trump’s State Department has approved resumption of arms sales to Saudi Arabia previously blocked by former US President Barack Obama.
A multi-million dollar technology for Riyadh was blocked by the former President over human rights concerns during the final months of his administration, Independent added.
The potential of the Saudis’ adventurism was felt by the former US president Barack Obama who halted the trade, while Donald Trump, as the newly arrived president of the US, approved a ‘multi-million’ weapon trade to Riyadh as killing two birds with one stone given his business attitude toward the Saudis and the perfect opportunity gained by the warmonger republicans.
It is also understood that the US relies on the Arab States, particularly the Saudi regime, as its major customer of weaponry so the US factories can keep on producing arms, a trade for which a major customers should always be found so that it can bring enormous benefit for that country.
Presently, it seems that the US’ thirst for arms sales can only be quenched by the Saudi rulers and the regional Arab states who are playing a more vital role as Washington’s weapons purchaser in the region, particularly, after the fall of the Pahlavi regime in Iran (1979) who used to be the major customer of the US armaments in the 1970s.
These arms trade between the US and the Saudis take place while Iran’s bid to produce domestic ballistic missiles has always been criticized severely by the US and the Arab states, the Saudis in particular as their blame game, while they clearly know that Iran’s missile program is aligned only with its deterrence policy.
The serious point which must be taken into account regarding Iran’s domestic missile production is that without the deterrence power gained through a hard way, based on domestic knowledge and endeavors of the Iranian scientists, warmongers could definitely wage wars against the Iranian nation like what the world had witnessed during the Iraqi imposed war against Iran in the 1980s.
At that time if Iran had the power and the ballistic missiles that it has now, the Iraqis wouldn’t even dream of invading the country, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif had once said.
“During the Iraq-Iran War, 1980-1988, Saddam launched missiles with chemical warheads, and not one country in the region or the world came to the defense of Iran. The government begged for 1 Scud Missile to defend its people, but no one helped. Iranians learned the hard way that they must protect themselves, “ Zarif said, addressing a gathering of academics in New Zealand in March 2016,
“We went to one country after another, begging- I insist, begging- for a single Scud missile to defend our people,” Zarif told another gathering later.
He stressed that Iran is “entitled to the rudimentary means of defense.”
Regardless of the fact that they have a broad background of exporting terrorism, mainly the al-Qaeda which is coined with 9/11, Saudis recent adventurism has started by their support for the terrorist groups in the region, including the major one known as Daesh (ISIS).
The proxy wars which Saudis are maneuvering into bringing to other countries, including Iran, indicate Tehran’s great power of deterrence which makes Riyadh not dare facing the Islamic Republic directly and they are quite sure committing that inept move will bring them the fate of the last Iraqi dictator.
It is better for the Saudis to stop peacefully what they have started with taking all the responsibilities, including the war waged against the poor Yeminis, instead of threatening other nations.
The illusion of power can be lethal and result in terrible consequences, especially when it is advocated by those who want chaos and instability just for the sake of their own interests.
Saudis actually have to take into account a crucial matter that is the consequences of their intentions and wrongdoings will directly affect themselves, their interests, and their existence rather than harming or even bothering the target of their actions which they falsely believe is vulnerable to such threats.
Enemies should know that they will be given an immediate, decisive and annihilating response for any aggression against Iran, Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Baqeri said on Monday.
Meanwhile, in a latest interview with the Lebanese TV Channel, Al-Menar, Iran’s Minister of Defense Hossein Hehqan reacted to the rhetoric of the Saudi prince stressing, “I hope that they won’t do such a foolish move but in case of doing so, I doubt any place in Saudi Arabia will be left unharmed except the two holy cities of Mecca and Medina.”
Author: Mohammad-Reza Elkaee
Editor: Fatemeh M. Safaei