“Jalees Hazir” made the remarks in an article titled, 'Iran leads the way' which was published in Pakistan's leading newspaper, 'The Nation'.
'Iran does not depend on the next tranche of borrowed dollars to run the country and Iran doesn’t have to compromise its national interest to please imperial masters who lend them,' Hazir wrote in his article.
He added that Iran 'doesn’t have to tailor its economic policies and priorities for the benefit of multinational corporations.”
The article says that it is very encouraging to see that Iran announced counter-sanctions in response to the unwarranted new sanctions imposed by the administration of US new President Donald Trump.
“In a hard-hitting speech that drove home many points, Iran’s Supreme Leader thanked Trump for exposing the real face of the US. The leaders of Iran are sovereign, not slaves of imperial masters. They have learned how to run their country without borrowing too much foreign loans,” Hazir said in his article.
Referring to the latest statements made by the head of the Central Bank of Iran that had announced dollar will no longer be used in official reporting from March 2017 when Iran starts its next fiscal year, the Pakistani analyst said, “There is a concerted effort to de-dollarize the economy and by-pass the dollar while trading with other countries, and agreements to stop using dollar have been signed with Turkey, Iraq, Azerbaijan and Russia among others.”
He concluded his article recalling some recent words of Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei who had said: “An unexpected provision should be hoped for in anything that the believing front does. It is true that logical and material calculations are necessary, but sometimes we should open up to counting on the supernatural too. Such a blessing is achieved through endeavor and wisdom, accompanied by hope and trust in God. However, if we use wisdom and prudence while trusting the Satan, the result will be a mirage. In any matter, including diplomacy and the country’s problems, trusting demons and materialistic power, which oppose your essence, leads to a mirage”.