The Ministry statement released on Friday stressed that Astana talks are the main 'practical efforts to stabilize the situation in Syria by promoting the steady functioning of de-escalation zones' with three zones currently created in Syria.
The three guarantors singed the memorandum of understanding on May 4, during the fourth round of Astana talks, to create de-escalation zones in Syria aimed at stabilizing parts of Homs, eastern Ghouta, Daraa, and Qoneitara.
'Importantly, this work is producing concrete results, helping reduce tensions in Syria’s domestic confrontation, increase the living standards of civilians, resolve humanitarian issues, build bridges between various groups of Syrian society and promote trust between them,' the statement added.
Russian Foreign Ministry also emphasized the pursuit of maximizing efforts in Astana talks, including creating the fourth de-escalation zone in Idlib Province,' as a way to stop the crimes by the terrorist group al-Nusrah Front in the region.
'We believe the Astana process and the decisions adopted in its framework require international support, especially from those forces that can influence developments in Syria or render substantial material support to its stabilisation by increasing humanitarian aid. This would tangibly consolidate the recent trend of internally displaced persons and refugees in neighboring Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey returning home.'
The Ministry also hoped that Syrian opposition would more actively contribute to the priority task which is defined as 'eliminating the terrorist hotbed in Syria'.