Qasemi said in the letter Iran protested to recent order of the US President, Donald Trump, to impose limitation and show discriminatory approach against Iranian citizens traveling to the US.
Swss Embassy to Tehran is the US interest section office in Iran.
According to a report by Foreign Ministry Media Department, Qasemi said the ambassador was summoned to the Ministry on Sunday afternoon by Director General for the US Affairs, Mohammad Keshavarz-zadeh.
In the meeting, the US president's order to impose limitation on Iranian citizens traveling to the US under baseless and discriminatory pretexts declared unacceptable and contrary to human rights conventions as well as opposing legal and consular agreement between the two countries signed in August 15, 1955.
Qasemi pointed out that it was reminded to the ambassador that Iranians were victims of terrorist groups supported by the US and have never participated in any extremist groups' operations and have always lived in other societies, as people who respect law and orders.
The Swiss envoy said he is aware about repercussions of the US president's order and announced that he will promptly inform the US Department of State of the protest.