“The text of IAEA’s latest report released on Friday is similar to its previous reports. The only points added are those related to technical developments made since the Agency’s report on March up to the present time,” Najafi said.
The IAEA said in its quarterly assessment that Tehran is complying with its commitments based on the Joint Comprehensive Action (JCPOA).
The report, handed over to the Agency's Board of Governors, added, “Iran's stock of heavy water, used as a reactor coolant, was 128.2 tons” and its heavy water facility is under annual maintenance operations, Najafi added.
He further noted that the report referred to continuation of Iran’s R&D activities as well as producing rotors and centrifuges within the framework of the JCPOA.
The report added that the UN nuclear watchdog has been pursuing its verification and monitoring activities about Iran’s peaceful nuclear program since the official implementation of the nuclear agreement in January 2016.