“I would like to refer to few delegations that asked again for disclosure of the raw and detailed confidential safeguards information contrary to the BOG approved mandate. Such request gives the impression that the Agency should not be trusted and the Agency’s assessment should be assessed again independently,” Najafi said in an address to the ongoing meeting of the IAEAs Board of Governors in Vienna, Austria.
The full text of Najafi’s address to the five-day gathering follow:
Mr. Chairman, Director General, Distinguished Colleagues,
At the outset, I would like to express my gratitude to the Agency’s Secretariat for its efforts on the monitoring and verification of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Mr. Chairman,
Since the Implementation Day Iran has honored its commitment under the JCPOA and the Agency’s reports on verification and monitoring of JCPOA in Iran provides a clear testimony to such commitment. It is now more than one year that the JCPOA has been implemented; and while Iran has continued to fully implement its share of the deal as monitored and verified by the Agency, the implementation of the commitments of other sides to the JCPOA is yet to be satisfactory.
As we have affirmed from the beginning of negotiations on the JCPOA and its implementation, reciprocal and full implementation of the measures by all parties, including by E3/EU+3 is the vital basis of the JCPOA and is the essential element of the agreement for its permanence.
The JCPOA has granted the full lifting of all UNSC sanctions and all unilateral or multilateral nuclear-related sanctions and the E3/EU+3 have an unequivocal responsibility to implement the JCPOA “in good faith and in a constructive atmosphere, based on mutual respect, and to refrain from any action inconsistent with the letter, spirit and intent of the JCPOA that would undermine its successful implementation”. Anything other than the good faith implementation is contrary to the letter and spirit of the JCPOA.
US delegation can talk about strict implementation of the JCPOA if and only if it fully complies with its obligations under the JCPOA. While we continue to fulfill our undertakings, we vigilantly monitor the implementation of the commitments of the other parties under the JCPOA in order to reassure the agreement is enduring.
Mr. Chairman,
We acknowledge that recent updated report (GOV/2017/10), based on the mandate given to the Director General by the JCPOA and the December 2015 Board resolution, once more shows all nuclear related measures of the JCPOA have been fully implemented by Iran.
Nonetheless, I would like to put on record, the following:
1. The exact JCPOA text on heavy water reads that all excess heavy water which is beyond Iran’s needs will be made available for export to the international market based on international prices and delivered to the international buyer for 15 years. Nothing in the JCPOA requires Iran to ship out the excess Heavy Water which is made available to the international market but has not yet found an actual buyer to which the heavy water needs to be delivered.
2. The information provided in footnote 9 of the report is not accurate. Iran has already declared the capacity of the Arak Heavy Water Production Plant (HWPP) in its Additional Protocol Declaration.
3. We would like to stress, once again, that the report should be as concise as possible and avoid mentioning unnecessary detailed information, particularly confidential Safeguards information. Such details as some of those appearing in the report are unnecessary information which could be omitted from the report without any effect on the substantive quality of the report.
4- We have already expressed our concern on the definition made on the term of “stockpile” in the report and its difference with the term “inventory” and recall that this is a matter of our discussion with E3/EU+3. Thus we reserve our right to come back to this matter in future.
Before concluding, I would like to refer to few delegations that asked again for disclosure of the raw and detailed confidential safeguards information contrary to the BOG approved mandate. Such request gives the impression that the Agency should not be trusted and the Agency’s assessment should be assessed again independently. My delegation once more would like to recall that in addition to the provisions of Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement and Article 5 of the Additional Protocol for protection of classified information, the JCPOA clearly requests the Agency “to take every precaution to protect commercial, technological and industrial secrets as well as other confidential information coming to its knowledge”. We strongly oppose the inclusion of confidential safeguard information in the report under the pretext of transparency.
For the last speaker before me, as usual you heard an irrelevant statement. For the Zionist regime of Israel, sitting on tens of nuclear warheads and operating un-safeguarded clandestine nuclear facilities, a regime that made desperately every effort to prevent the JCPOA conclusion, now talking about JCPOA implementation concern is ridiculous.
This regime cannot create a cover-up for its unlawful nuclear weapons program which is a real threat to regional and international peace and security.