Rasoul Mousavi, addressing an international conference on “Achieving Peace in Afghanistan: Challenges & Prospects” in Islamabad on Thursday said failing to pay attention to the key causes of the crisis in Afghanistan is the main reason for instability in the country.
Mousavi urged that it is not possible to establish a sustainable security in Afghanistan without the participation of the countries in the region especially Afghanistan’s neighboring countries.
The Iranian official was of the view that the terrorist activities committed by Taleban, Al-Qaeda and Daesh (ISIS), as well as the unstable military balance between Taleban and Afghanistan National Security Forces (ANSF), uncertain situation in coalition government and the disputes among the elites of the government are expected to continue in the current year.
“Afghanistan, in its contemporary history, has faced three key crises namely stability, security and development,” he noted.
The scholar added that none of the governments and the parties which have seized the power in Afghanistan could find a balanced solution for three aforesaid crises.
Iran’s adviser to the Minister of Foreign Affairs went on to say that crisis of development in Afghanistan is an international issue which can be solved only through the participation of the international community.
Mousavi noted that the International Conference on Afghanistan in Bonn in 2001 tried to provide a solution for the aforesaid crises, but because of not paying precise attention to how to solve them; the Bonn process faced problems.
He also argued that another mistake made by the Bonn process was its attempts to establish security in Afghanistan by relying on the military forces of the United states and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), while continue to disregard the importance and the role of the countries in the region to achieve such a goal.
The Iranian official said that the solution for the crises faced by Afghanistan can be reached in three levels including internal, regional, and international.