He told IRNA on Monday that while Iran had such figure in its growth, the world growth in the first five months of year 2017 was 4.6 percent.
According to the report by the World Steel Association, Iran in the first five months of 2017 had produced 8.159 million tons of crude steel, while the figure for the same period for the preceding year was 7.215 million tons.
Sharifi added that Iran should watch world steel markets and when its production reaches 55 million tons of crude steel in the year 2025, 20 million tons should be supplied to the exporting markets and 35 million tons would be domestic consumption.
The NISCO managing director said that Iran aims to export 8 million tons of crude steel this year (until March 20, 2018) and said that over past year Iran exported six million tons of crude steel.
In the year 1394 (2 years ago) Iran had produced 16.7 million tons crude steel which reached to more than 18 million tons last year and production of more than 20 million tons is targeted for this year (1396).