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Sharif, Shanghai Universities sign MoU

The MoU was signed on the sidelines of “One Belt, One Road” Forum in Shanghai with presidents and deputies from 35 counties in eastern China.

Mahmoud Fotouhi Firouzabad, the president of Sharif University of Technology attended the forum and had meetings with some authorities of Shanghai University about exchanging professors, students, and scientific articles.

In the meeting with the Shanghai University authorities, which the Iranian scientific attaché in China Yousef Hojat and the Consul General of Iran in Shanghai Ali-Reza Irvash were also present, the Chinese party said that given Iranian students success in scientific circles of China, the university will grant more scholarships.

The articles in the memorandum signed include holding scientific conferences, exchanging students, doing joint research, engaging in joint activities in scientific publications, and holding scientific workshops.

The “One Belt, One Road” Initiative was introduced by President Xi Jinping in 2013 as a land-and-sea version of the fabled Silk Road trading route of the 16th to 18th centuries.

China says the project is open to everyone, but it has also identified 65 countries along the Belt and Road that, since the early stages of the proposal, it’s insisted will participate in the initiative (whether they’ve confirmed it themselves or not).

Together, the 64 nations plus China account for 60% of the world’s population and 30% of its GDP, according to the Hong Kong–based think tank Fung Business Intelligence.



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