Saadi Shirazi was one of the major Persian poets and literary men of the medieval period. He is not only famous in the Persian-speaking countries, but has been quoted in western sources as well.
The inaugural ceremony was attended by Iranian Consul General in Peshawar Mohammad Baqir Begi, Director General of Iranian Cultural Centre Ali Yusafi and Director of Pakistan Study Centre University of Peshawar, Dr.Fakhr-ul-Islam.
The cultural corner would provide an opportunity to teachers and students at the university to know about the life and works of famous Iranian poet Saadi Shirazi.
Meanwhile, Iranian Consul General also attended a seminar on Iran-Pakistan bilateral ties at the university and responded to the questions of the students regarding Iran-Pakistan ties, regional developments and the recent Iran’s Presidential elections.
Six months back another similar project, 'Hafez Shirazi' corner, was inaugurated at Pakistan National Book Foundation in Islamabad.