Speaking in a local conference, Masoud Tajrishi said that in the past three years better management of water resources, dredging up operation of Siminrood and Zarinehrood (name of two rivers) and some other salvage measures have been effective to stabilize environment of the lake and of course rains made useful affects as well.
Tajrishi said that the provincial department of environment began operations to revive Orumiyeh Lake in the current year relying on people participation.
Orumiyeh Lake revitalization headquarters was founded three years ago upon an executive order from President Hassan Rouhani to revive the lake and the headquarters was trying to do the job in cooperation with universities and popular works.
Tajrishi said that the headquarters is to carry out standard works in light of international experience in the next two years, and then role of people and sponsors will be more important.
Located between the provinces of East Azarbaijan and West Azarbaijan, the saltwater lake, one of the largest on the planet, is on the brink of a major environmental disaster due to its highly endangered ecosystem.
Many blame climate change and dam construction to be the cause of degradation of environment.