Hezbollah will not back down on its battles despite all campaigns working against it, Qaouk said, warning that attempts to topple the resistance will not succeed.
"Saudi Arabia and its allies' anger and failure in the region prompted them to take revenge on the resistance in Lebanon because it has been a staunch supporter of the resistance in Syria," Nabil Qaouk said in a memorial held in the southern town of Qana, the Daily Star reported.
He emphasized that after Saudi Arabia and its allies failed to break the will of the resistance, no one will be able to strip it of its dignity "no matter what resolutions they adopt."
"We will never back down on our duty to protect our people against the takfiri and Israeli aggression," he underlined, saying that the resistance "is stronger on the battlefield."
Tensions between Riyadh and Hezbollah have been climbing steadily since the outbreak of the Syrian crisis in 2011 where the two back opposing sides, and were exacerbated by the Saudi-led military campaign against Houthis in Yemen in March 2015.
He accused Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United State of backing Daesh (ISIL) in a "clear attempt to topple the governments in Iraq and Syria... but Daesh in those countries is witnessing an inevitable end due to the accomplishments of the Syrian and Iraqi armies and their allies, which will change all equations in the region."
Hezbollah chief Seyed Hasan Nasrallah has said on many occasions that his party is proud to be fighting alongside Syrian President Bashar Assad's government.
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