Seyed Mohammad Ali Hosseini in a tweet on Saturday said that UNSC's Friday vote brought another embarrassing diplomatic defeat for the US.
“They should be so thankful of the Dominican Republic that saved them from total isolation,” he said.
The ambassador added that instead of resorting to "snapback" or daunting task of extending arms embargo on Iran, it is better for the USA to terminate arms sale and arms production competitions in its own economy that has made having a peaceful world a dream.
Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi has said that the US regime should learn a lesson from its failures or it will be more isolated.
“The int'l community, once again & w/ a clear voice, rejected the US reckless & futile attempt to undermine the UNSC credibility,” said Mousavi.
The US draft resolution against Iran was rejected by the United Nations Security Council on Friday with two positive, two negatives, and 11 abstentions.
The US and Dominican Republic voted for the draft, China and Russia voted against it, and the remaining permanent and non-permanent members of the international body abstained from voting.
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