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UAE, Zionist regime agreement against Palestinians rights: Pakistan dailies

Daily 'Dawn' in its editorial comments said those aware of happenings in the Middle East, the relationship between Tel Aviv and Abu Dhabi had been blossoming behind the scenes for many years.

“Thursday’s announcement by US President Donald Trump was only a formal acknowledgement of the clandestine efforts. Especially over the past year or so, efforts towards normalization had gained pace, with cultural exchanges between the Zionist state and the Gulf sheikhdom, as well as efforts on social and mainstream media, to help pave the way for the establishment of ties,” it said.

It noted spokesman for President Mahmoud Abbas termed the deal “disgraceful” while Hamas has described it as a “stab in the back”.

Dawn said Zionist Regime, built on the ruins of Palestine, and the UAE, on the tip of the Persian Gulf, share no geographical borders, so why the rush towards normalisation? Clearly, both these states — leading members of the American axis — share common geostrategic goals, and the welfare of the Palestinians certainly does not seem to be one of them.

“Of course, Mr Trump will use the deal to show his evangelical voter base that he has added another ally for Israel in the Arab world,” said the paper.

**Zionist Regime a major cause of instability in the Middle East

Another daily ‘The News’ in its editorial titled ‘Israeli impunity’ said peace in the Middle East has been elusive since Zionist Regime was created some 70 years ago.

It said while Saudi Arabia has yet to give its reaction, both Iran and Turkey have denounced the recognition of Zionist Regime by the UAE.

According to the newspaper, a number of US allies, including Britain, who were involved in the creation of the Zionist regime, welcomed the agreement, but the praise of some countries, including Egypt, is surprising.

It added Netanyahu’s assertion that Tel Aviv in no way gives up its claim over areas of the West Bank suggests the deal has little meaning. “The region for now remains more polarized than ever before,” noted ‘The News’.

It said there is no evidence that Netanyahu, a hardliner, is ready to make any concessions.

The paper noted the suffering of the Palestinians, squeezed into a tighter and tighter space in their own land has continued now for decades. “Their children have been killed, treated worse than animals in their own land. And all this has been done by a brutal occupying force,” the editorial said.

It added the plan drawn up is not one that will change anything in the region. For now, Palestinian residents face continuing discrimination, relentless violence and no legal protections.

Meanwhile, Pakistan in its reaction said it had an abiding commitment to full realization of the legitimate rights of Palestinian people, including the right to self-determination. Peace and stability in Middle East is also Pakistan’s key priority.

"We have noted the Joint Statement announcing agreement of the UAE and Israel to have full normalization of relations. This is a development with far-reaching implications. For a just, comprehensive and lasting peace, Pakistan has consistently supported a two-state solution in accordance with the relevant UN and OIC resolutions as well as international law," said a statement from the Foreign Office.

The Palestinian leadership voiced its "strong rejection and condemnation" of the deal and announced it would withdraw its envoy from the UAE.


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