On March 5, the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Iran stood at 3,513 with 107 confirmed deaths.
"I want to express my deepest sympathies to families who have lost loved ones, and to assure all Iranians that the United Nations will do whatever we can to help fight this virus," said Ugochi Daniels, UN Resident Coordinator in Iran, in a press release a copy of which was emailed to IRNA by the United Nations Information Center (UNIC) in Tehran.
Last week, the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) raised the global risk assessment for the COVID-19 to “very high”. Today, more than 90,000 people in 58 countries have tested positive. Unfortunately, Iran is one of the countries already severely affected, and the UN emphasizes the importance of Iranians observing all national restrictions imposed by the National Corona Management Task Force.
“The situation in Iran is serious, and UN agencies are helping to procure and import critical medical supplies. Apart from that, WHO also provides technical assistance for the authorities and for health professionals,” said Mr. Christoph Hamelmann. He is the Country Director for WHO in Iran and heading the UN efforts to assist the Iranian government containing and reversing the rapidly evolving outbreak.
Furthermore, a team of WHO experts arrived in Tehran on March 2 to strengthen the technical guidance for medical staff and to help authorities stop the transmission of the virus.
On board the flight carrying the team was the WHO’s 6th round of COVID-19 medical shipment to Iran, this time enough to protect 15,000 health care workers when dealing with coronavirus patients, and medical kits to test 100,000 Iranians suspected of being infected.
Other UN agencies, such as the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has started importing protective equipment for professionals dealing particularly with children and mothers, and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has stepped up efforts to protect people in refugee and host communities. To further assist the Bureau for Aliens and Foreign Immigrant Affairs, the UN World Food Programme (WFP) has procured masks, gloves and hand sanitizers for staff in charge of food distributions and school meals. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is procuring protection equipment for staff working at the Center for Disease Control (CDC), Prison Organization, as well as mental and social health institutions. Finally, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is working to protect, especially vulnerable older people and people with disabilities.
“Together with the Iranian authorities, all UN entities are playing a vital role in preventing the coronavirus from spreading. To get it right, we all have to rely on fact-based information only focusing on prevention and precaution, and follow advice from trusted sources to tackle all challenges,” Daniels said.
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