Expressing sorrow over de Cuellar’s demise, Guterres said that Pérez de Cuéllar played a crucial role in a number of diplomatic achievements, including an end to the Iran-Iraq War.
“He was an accomplished statesman, a committed diplomat and a personal inspiration who left a profound impact on the United Nations and our world,” said Guterres in the press release a copy of which was emailed to IRNA by the United Nations Information Center (UNIC) in Tehran.
“Mr. Pérez de Cuéllar’s life spanned not only a century but also the entire history of the United Nations, dating back to his participation in the first meeting of the General Assembly in 1946.”
“His tenure as Secretary-General coincided with two distinct eras in international affairs: first, some of the iciest years of the Cold War, and then, with the ideological confrontation at an end, a time when the United Nations began to play more fully the role envisaged by the founders.”
Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, the former UN chief and Peruvian prime minister, died at the age of 100 on Wednesday.
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