Motaghian, 31, received the silver medal with her best attempt of 20.66 meters in the women’s javelin throw F56 discipline at Olympic Stadium in London on Monday evening.
Latvian Diana Dadzite won the gold medal with a throw of 27.07 meters, and German Martina Willing earned the bronze with 20.57 meters.
The 20-membered Iranian team has received six silver, and two bronze medals until the end of the third day of the competitions.
Javad Hardani, Ali Mohammad-Yari, Mohsen Kaeedi, Mehran Neku’i, Mohsen Majidi, and Ali-Asqar Javanmardi are the Iranian medalists so far.
A total of 1,1150 track and field athletes from 90 countries are competing in the events in London.