Akbarpour had earlier received 24 colorful medals.
RoboCup Federation is a reputable international scientific initiative with the goal to advance the state of the art of intelligent robots. When established in 1997, the original mission was to field a team of robots capable of winning against the human soccer World Cup champions by 2050. Today, the federation still holds this dream, however, the necessary technologies to accomplish these landmark projects in Artificial Intelligence takes dedication, much research and development.
A crucial issue for landmark projects is to set the goal high enough so that a series of technical breakthroughs are necessary to accomplish the task, and the goal needs to be widely appealing and exciting. In addition, the set of technologies necessary to accomplish the goal must be technologies which can form the foundation of the next generation of industries.
RoboCup is a leading non-profit organization governed by a Board of Trustees, a President, and Vice Presidents. Responsibilities are to lead and organize RoboCup events and communities around the world.
The RoboCup Federation oversees the community members which are grouped into an Executive Committee, Organizing Committees, Technical Committees, National Representatives and their RoboCup qualifying events. Montréal Canada is proud and privileged to host the RoboCup community and witness its talented RoboCuppers in artificial intelligence from around the world.
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