Home / Sports / Iran looking for hosting 2020 futsal World Cup

Iran looking for hosting 2020 futsal World Cup

Ali Kafashian, with attendance among Futsal national team players, said, 'I congratulate futsal community because of your presence. During my management years in sports, I believe futsal is one of the best teams and players, and we appreciate you and technical staff.'

He noted that, in order to appreciate the efforts of the futsalists, he would not hesitate to make any effort, 'With regard to the existing problems, we will try our best to carry out the futsal plans and preparations for the technical staff to achieve their goals for successful participation in important global competitions.'

Kafashian went on to say that, 'We are trying to advance the futsal Premier League in the best possible way. Your active presence in the league and then in the national team will make the futsal dynamic.'

The first vice president of the federation said, 'The first level of the Asian futsal and the third place in the world is for Iran, but we need to be better off. Our futsal can be in the highest position in the world which this superiority will occur with continued efforts of players. In fact, the success of the Futsal is due to the efforts of the players and the technical staff.'


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