After meeting with his Norwegian counterpart and speaking in a joint press conference, Zarif expressed his happiness to be in Oslo to discuss world peace and said that in the opportunity provided challenges in Syria and Yemen would be discussed.
He added Iran became the victim of the wave of violence that has enfolded the region.
Regarding John Kerry’s recent comment about Iran’s nuclear deal, AKA the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Zarif said the deal is a result of multilateral efforts and has been approved by the UNSC and according to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Iran has met its commitments.
The Iranian foreign minister said that the nuclear deal is a victory for the whole world and leads to end of tensions and the US knows that accepting it is in line with the US national interests, but unfortunately the US has not met its commitments in the JCPOA.
He added it is very important for Iran to continue its all-out cooperation with Europe.
Zarif arrived in Norway on Monday to participate in the 15th Annual International Retreat of Mediators and Peace Process Actors in Oslo Forum.