In the latest post on his telegram and Instagram accounts, Baeedinejad said, The US Senate on Thursday, after extensive talks almost unanimously approved a new legislation to intensify sanctions against Iran.
The main topics of the legislation is as follow:
1. Imposes sanctions on persons engaged in efforts to manufacture, acquire, possess, develop, transport, transfer, or use ballistic missiles.
2. Places sanctions on persons who kill or torture those who wish to exercise or defend internationally recognized human rights or wish to expose illegal activity in Iran.
3. Imposes terrorism-related sanctions on Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC).
4. Places sanctions on persons who violate the arms embargo placed on Iran
On June 15, the Senate voted for a legislation to impose non-nuclear sanctions on Iran for its defense missile programs. They voted 98-2 in favor of the legislation.
Bipartisan negotiations also led to the bill including expanded sanctions on Russia, in response to its intrusion into Ukraine, efforts to meddle in the 2016 election and its support for the Syrian regime.
Republican Senator Rand Paul from Kentucky and Bernie Sanders, an independent from Vermont, were only two 'no' votes.
Commenting on the US latest anti-Iran move, Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qasemi said on Friday, “We announce that Iran’s armed forces defend the country’s security and interests with courage and such measures will never make the slightest dent to this end.”
“Once again we underline that Iran’s defense missiles programs are legal and is not in contradiction with Resolution 2231 and no act can deprive the country of its legitimate rights,” he added.