According to the the executive order tilteld, “Protection of the nation from foreign terrorists entry into the United States,” the refugee program will be suspended for 120 days, while visas for the countries of concern would be suspended for 90 days.
Dispatches released a leaked document last week that the draft executive order would block the entry of any immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries including Iran.
The leaked document said that Trump would ink a draft executive order which would block the entry of refugees from war-torn Syria and suspend the entry of any immigrants from Muslim-majority Middle Eastern and African countries Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Iraq, Iran, Libya and Yemen while permanent rules are studied.
US media and those from other world countries have warned about the consequences of signing an order by Trump banning visa on immigrants.
Anyway, the plan for banning visa for immigrants has stirred reaction of the US human rights activists who believe that immigration is a significant part of the culture dominating the country and regard such an approach in contradiction with the US values.
The plan has also made some US lawmakers and political analysts show reaction.
It seems that these orders are desperate efforts by the unpopular US president a few days after his inauguration to demonstrate how serious he is in fulfilling the promises he made during his presidential campaign.