The Supreme Leader made the remarks in a meeting with thousands of enthusiastic people from East Azarbaijian in Tehran on Wednesday.
'The country’s officials should not assume that the people's presence meant they are satisfied with their performances,' the Supreme Leader said.
The US seeks to employ various ploys, threats and wage military war to deviate the country’s officials from the real war which is the economic war, but officials should be vigilant and do their utmost to resolve economic issues such as unemployment, economic recession, high cost of products and discrimination, Ayatollah Khamenei said.
Intelligence services such as CIA, Mossad, and MI6 spare no efforts to depict an unreal image from the Islamic Revolution, the Supreme Leader said.
During these years, hundreds of satellites, petro dollars, cyber net, those escaped the country try to humiliate and even weaken the country but the massive turn of people in the victory anniversary of the Islamic revolution washed out all these pollutions, the Supreme Leader said.
The enemies’ effort to indicate the Islamic system is inefficient in dealing with the problems should be regarded as a futile attempt, the Supreme Leader said.
The great achievements gained in the past four decades on the country’s developments are quite unprecedented, the Supreme Leader said.
This year, the Iranian nation indicated that they have stood up against the enemies and mind to materialize the goals set by Islam and any officials who fail to stand by nation will be crossed out, the Supreme Leader said.
People are not satisfied with discriminations and undermining them and this should be heeded by the officials, the Supreme Leader said.
The officials should report people on their performances on removing the country’s economic problems and bringing economic achievements and developments, the Supreme Leader said.
The officials should also paid heed to cultural and scientific issues but the economic ones should be on the agenda in short-run, the Supreme Leader said.