According to the report of Foreign Ministry Media Department, Qasemi said that during Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven's visit to Tehran, a number of media tried to inculcate fabricated report on this successful visit.
Qasemi said that on the contrary to political machinations, in the banquett in ambassador residence no document or official contract were signed between the two governments or officials and all MoUs were signed in accordance with international protocol in Saadabad Complex and in the presence of President Rouhani and Prime Minister Stefan Lofven.
The cooperation documents, including five, in different fields of science, technology, communication, economic and trade were signed by related ministers or officials of Iran and Sweden.
Whatever which was signed in the banquett and on the sidelines of the opening of Sweden's economic bureau in Tehran were several agreements between private sectors of Iran and Sweden as an indication and symbol of opening the trade bureau and indication of prime minister's intention to support the Swedish private sector's activities in Iran, which were not contrary to any international process.
One of the main programs in banquett ceremony in Swedish ambassador's residence was opening Sweden's economic bureau in Iran by the prime minister, which was an important step for more economic cooperation and turning the agreements from paper to practical and executive measures.
The banquett was at the end of the official visit and in honor of the prime minister, which are upon international regulations and protocol.
Presence of officials in such ceremony is a reciprocal act and is not a personal decision.
The regulated and limited attendance of senior officials has always been observed even in the former different governments without instigation of public opinion.
In historical background of mutual relations between the two countries this is the first Swedish prime minister visit to Iran, which during the visit, the premier confers with the Supreme Leader and president and had plenty of economic achievements, which indicated firm intention of both countries leaders to deepen bilateral and multilateral relations in all fields and also shown European interests for cooperation with Iran in spite of poisonous atmosphere created by the Zionist regime.