He made the remarks in a meeting with Turkish ambassador in Iran Reza Hakan Tekin.
Boroujerdi, the head of Parliamentary Commission on National Security and Foreign Policy, said that Iran condemns any coup attempt against the legitimate governments.
Although the coup attempt in Turkey left a bitter experience, it will have an influence on future decisions in Turkey and it can be a good lesson, Boroujerdi said.
Iran and Turkey should make use of the post-coup atmosphere to promote friendly relations, he added.
He said that the in addition to paying attention to the national issues, the regional governments should find a way for solving foreign security problems.
The terrorist groups have now turned into a big challenge for all the regional and global countries and fighting with them requires the cooperation of the influential countries in the region, including Syria, Iran and Turkey, the lawmaker said.
The Turkish ambassador, for his part, said that Iran's support for the Turkish government will remain in the historical memory of the Turkish people.
Hakan Tekin appreciated Iran for condemning the coup attempt in Turkey in the early hours, saying Iran will always be regarded a friend of Turkey and the recent failed coup attempt led to enhanced friendly ties.
Turkey believes that cooperation with Iran and Russia can be a significant step for restoring peace and security to the region, the ambassador said.