'Because of Telegram's security threats, countries have blocked it and are using national and domestic messengers and networks,' Head of Majlis (parliament) Foreign Policy and National Security Commission Alaeddin Boroujerdi added.
The lawmaker referred to the close relations between Telegram CEO Pavel Durov and the Zionist regime and said that he will support the idea of blocking Telegram in Iran.
Britain, Germany and the Zionist regime have access to the information exchanged among Telegram users, he added, urging officials and people to prevent enemies' manipulation of the messenger.
Boroujerdi had earlier said that Telegram messaging service would be replaced by a national messenger within days and the decision to shut down Telegram has been made at the highest level.
Referring to the fact that Telegram had a negative role in the crises happening in Iran last year, the Iranian MP said, 'We have the potential to introduce Soroush messenger which is a national messaging service.'
Foreign media have always tried to arouse the concern that internal systems are not safe, while attempts are being made in terms of their technical engineering and safety.
Telegram is a non-profit cloud-based instant messaging service. It is estimated that 40 million people are using Telegram in Iran.
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