The media have over the past days reported the meeting of Palestine Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas with MKO terrorist ringleader Maryam Rajavi in Paris.
The meeting cannot be irrelevant to presence of Saudi Prince Turki al-Faisal in the meeting of terrorists in Paris.
According to the media, the two sides briefed each other on regional developments, especially Palestine and also the French plan to hold International Conference on Palestine in Paris and Maryam Rajavi provided Abbas with a report on the grouplet's annual conference.
In reaction to the meeting, Iranian Foreign Minister Adviser Hossein Sheikholeslam said Abbas is the puppet of the US and the CIA officer.
Sheikholeslam said, 'Now a Palestinian wing with affiliations to the Zionists surrendered itself to Israel under the US pressure. It stood up to the the line of resistance to Israeli occupation and meets terrorist elements; this is not far from expectation.'
He said, 'Since beginning of the Islamic Revolution, the terrorist MKO has been trying to topple the Islamic Republic and the meeting of the group with Mahmoud Abbas should be regarded within the same framework.'
Meanwhile, Secretary of the Expediency Council Mohsen Rezaie said that the role of Mahmoud Abbas in Fatah has proved ineffective.
'We neither pull anybody's leg nor have reached brotherhood agreement; We will break the leg of anybody who will take the least action against Iranian nation.'
Except the two stances, the meeting has not special importance neither for Iranian government nor Iranian nation against which they could take any stance because the meeting of the assigned head of a Palestine Authority not enjoying support of the people of Palestine with head of the terrorist group well-known for the human rights organizations for the terrorist operations they carried in Iran in 1980s including the US itself, is not worth and valuable to consider.
The MKO owes re-emergence of its mal-reputation and dirty name to the hefty spending of Saudi petrodollars actually after costly presence of Turki al-Faisal in addition to free participation of certain Western and American outdated and retired personalities as lecturers in the meeting and the costly gifts given to them, while the affiliated media gave coverage to it to be used as a propaganda against Iran.
Public opinion is witnessing the Mahmoud Abbas, supported by the West and Saudi Arabia, tries to present himself as the Palestinian people's representative.
He has lost trust of Palestinians, which is the main asset of any official, due to opposing to the resistance process and for complicity with Zionists in suppressing Palestinian resistance movement and killing or detaining them. So, it can never be the representative of the oppressed Palestinian nation.
Several days ago, Zionist regime's general Security Agency, Shabak, announced that it had through intelligence help of Palestinian Authority, led by Mahmoud Abbass, assassinated and martyred Mohammed Jabarah al-Faqih, member of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military branch of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas).
Condemnation of the meeting of Mahmoud Abbas with the MKO ringleader by the coalition of 10 Palestinian groups testifies the reality that he lacks any popular base.
The statement of the coalition of Palestinian groups says Palestinian nation does not have the least benefit from such dictated meetings, rather it can turn into a dagger harming the Palestinian-Iranian relations.
The statement of the Coalition of Palestinian Resistance Groups, condemning the move of Mahmoud Abbas in meeting the MKO ringleader in Paris, takes it as a step dictated by Saudi Arabia to cover up its failures in regional developments. It emphasized that such moves fall in line with efforts to shift the balance.
The Coalition of Palestinian Combatant Groups emphasized in its statement that the help the Islamic Republic of Iran has offered to Palestinian people and its resistance since victory of its Islamic Revolution exceeds the level offered by any other Arab state, while the move of Mahmoud Abbas in meeting the so-called Iranian opposition has inflicted the most damage on Palestinian issue and indicates the extent of failure, collapse and political affiliation of the Self-Rule Authority.
Elsewhere the statement emphasized that siding the axis of Saudi Arabia, which has been pursuing a destructive process against the Arab-Islamic Ummah, cannot definitely be in line with high interests of Palestine and under the circumstances when we are witnessing proximity of Saudi Arabia with the Zionist regime, the negative consequences of the move is hundreds of times more.
Recent and past meetings of Saudi officials with Israeli officials which have received explicit world media coverage, are not hidden to anybody and even people of Saudi Arabia have strongly criticized those to the extent that the Saudis have called for trial of such Saudi officials as Anwar Eshqi who led a delegation to Tel Aviv.
The Coalition of Palestinian Groups, comprising 10 Palestinian groups like The Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine the general command, Palestinian Popular Campaign Front, Thunder Organization, the Revolutionary Palestinian Communist Party, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the Fatah al-Intifada, Palestinian Liberation Front the Abu Nidal faction, and the Hamas Movement.
Excluding the Palestinian groups, would there be left any Palestinian organization to be headed by Mahmoud Abbas?
The inexperienced Saudi princes, who have pushed Mahmoud Abbas forward and resort to the rootless and baseless policies such as presence in the meeting of a grouplet, whose hand is stained in blood of its nation especially alongside Saddam Hussein, are in fact relying on a 'broken stick' which cannot help them rise up from the ground.
The ship of Saudis has ran aground in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon in exploiting the regional crises and by relying on such shipwreck they cannot get rid of the quagmire.
The Iranian nation does not attach any value to such meetings and believes that had such grouplets enjoyed political reputation and popularity, they would have saved themselves of the whirlwind of annihilation and elimination in the past 30 years and they would not have been migrating everyday from one country to another country in search of a shelter, eventually seeking help of Zionists and Saudis.
Report by: Saeed Mohseni-Rad