Speaking to reporters in his weekly press briefing, he said that the recent allegations made at meetings of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (PGCC) are not new and the issue of Iranophobia has been masterminded by specific states in the world to leave negative impacts on the countries in the Middle East region.
'They try to attain their sinister goals and prevent formation of peaceful ties among countries in the region,' Qasemi said.
He went on to say that regretfully Iranophobia is now promoted by some of the regional governments.
'Iran regards relations with its neighbors positively and never interferes in their affairs,' the foreign ministry spokesman said, adding that Iran respects national sovereignty of other countries and believes that they should not be affected by ill-wishers' mottos.
'Countries in the region should not be concerned about Iran's might and its natural influence in the region,' Qasemi said.
The foreign ministry spokesman added that a powerful Iran will be beneficial to peace, stability and security of the region.
Qasemi reiterated that the countries in the region should not let outsiders to interfere in their affairs.
'Regretfully, the Zionist regime tries to marginalize the issue of Palestine in the region through sowing the seed of discord among countries in the region to attain its sinister goals,' Qasemi said.