The OIC Secretary General, Iyad Ameen Madani, considered the unabated construction of settlements; the unchecked terror committed by settlers; the Judaization of Al-Quds and its imposed isolation; the continued Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories; the apartheid policies by Israeli authorities and the failure of the international community to see through its own resolutions on the Palestinian issue- as forming the environment and cause that invite violence, propagate tension and deepen the sense of frustration, injustice and helplessness among Palestinians.
The Secretary General also expressed his disappointment over the content of the recent report by the Quartet Committee on the Middle East, the OIC website reported on July 2.
The report, Madani said, blamed the victims by assigning equal blame on the oppressed Palestinians and their oppressor.
The Secretary General considered the report by the Quartet Committee lacking in objectivity in not seeing the Israeli occupation, policies and illegal practices as the main obstacle and fundamental cause that hinders any progress in the political track.
He expressed the need for the Quartet to carry its full political, legal and moral responsibility; and to perform its role as an honest mediator in sponsoring a multi political track based on a specified time frame, clear international references and definite steps towards ending Israeli occupation and establishing an independent Palestinian state with East Al-Quds as its capital.
He also noted the report’s disregard of the efforts conducted to hold an international peace conference on Palestine.
The Quartet include the United States, European Union, Russia and the United Nations.