In a meeting with the Hungarian Ambassador to Tehran Janos Kovacs here on Tuesday, he voiced Iran’s pleasure over the completion of the political procedures in Lebanon.
He said the person elected by different political groups as the new Lebanese president is the one who played an important role in resistance movements against the Zionist regime so his election conveys a strong message.
He said Iran supported his election as the new Lebanese president.
During the meeting which took place on the verge of the visit of the Hungarian Speaker to Iran, the two officials also discussed ways of developing and promoting bilateral relations in all possible areas including economy, politics, trade and culture.
Abdollahian believed strengthening of present relations between Iran and Hungary as two important and influential countries would benefit both nations.
He further noted that various special committees in the Iranian parliament including Iran-Hungary friendship groups are ready to help the process of expanding relations.
He also said the visit of the Hungarian Speaker to Tehran which is taking place in a sensitive time when the region is undergoing special developments is of prime importance.
The Hungarian official voiced his country’s interest in promoting the level of bilateral relations.
The ambassador referred to two issues of terrorism and refugees as two causes of crises both in region and Europe.
He further underscored importance of exchanging visits between the two countries’ parliaments.