Addressing local officials and military commanders who played role in rendering timely services to the affected people, the Supreme Leader said that you all shoulder a very grave responsibility in dealing with the issue.
Speeding up the reconstruction phase and rendering services to the needy and those being affected by the quake should be on the agenda, underlined the Supreme Leader.
The extent of damages is very high and some villages have been completely demolished which should be regarded as a very significant development, Ayatoallah Khamenei said.
Rescue teams from army and IRGC played acceptable role in rendering timely services to the people in those area, the Supreme Leader said.
Ayatollah Khamenei, paid an unexpected visit to the disaster areas in the Province of Kermanshah early on Monday, also sympathized with all the people in the cities and villages affected by the massive earthquake on November 13 and all those who lost their loved ones in the quake.
'I share the grief of every single heart here. I wish we could visit you at a better time,' he said.
A 7.3-magnitude earthquake shook the western province of Kermanshah and the regions bordering Iraq last week killing at least 437 people and injuring over ten thousands others.
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