Talking to reporters after a trilateral meeting with his Iranian and Syrian counterparts Mohammad Javad Zarif and Walid al-Muallem in Moscow, he underlined the need for an impartial and independent investigation into the event occurred in Syria, saying that it is not known why certain countries oppose Tehran and Moscow's call for establishment of a professional and impartial mission to look into the case.
Referring to the US' missile attack on Al-Shayrat Airfield in Syria, he said that unilateral moves are unacceptable.
'US invasions are a threat to the global community,' he said, calling for a precise probe into Khan Shaykhun incident.
It is a public knowledge that US moves contravene international laws and blocks UN Security Council's resolution on diplomatic settlement of the Syrian crisis, he said.
Noting that certain efforts to deflect political settlement of Syrian crisis with the aim of changing Syrian government have been defeated, Lavrov said, 'We are insisting on full implementation of UN Security Council's resolutions.'
Security Council's resolution proclaims that Syrian nation should decide their own fate, he said.
Referring to positive achievements of holding several rounds of talks in Astana on the initiative of Iran, Russia and Syria, Russian foreign minister said that the move has given an impetus to the dialogue on Syria in Geneva.
'We will continue humanitarian cooperation with Syria to help establish peace and security in the country,' he said.