He told reporters in Moscow that the international group of Syria supporters were established 2 years ago and it aims to attract all foreign players' participation in this case.
The trend of Syrian talks in Astana is based upon comprehensiveness of efforts and Russia, Iran and Turkey initiated beginning direct negotiation between Damascus and the opposition militant groups and that Ankara is representing Arab states of the Persian Gulf, including Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
He said that Astana talks and Syrian ceasefire, confirmed by the UN Security Council showed the world community approach towards the process.
Lavrov warned that if instead of consensus, divisionary approach take place in intra-Syrian talks, the problem will never be solved.
Comprehensive cease fire in Syria, which started since January first 2016, was initiated by Iran, Russia and Turkey and confirmed by the UN Security Council.
Four rounds of Syrian talks have been held in Astana, capital of Kazakhstan, and the latest one was held in May 4, 2017.