In an exclusive interview with IRNA, on the sidelines of the newly-ended ECO Summit in Islamabad, Mohammad Mehdi Mazaheri said that the ECI will also sign a Memorandum of Understanding with IRNA to expand its cooperation with the Iranian state news agency.
He went on to say that the time for the meeting of the heads of ECO news agencies has not been decided yet.
The ECO Summit was held in Islamabad on March 1 with participation od President Hassan Rouhani and Foreign Minister of Iran Mohammad Javad Zarif along with other leaders of the ECO member states. Participants of the summit adopted a declaration, the ECO Vision 2025, at the end of the event. The declaration is a roadmap for greater regional cooperation and integration in years to come. They also unanimously agreed to build and promote multi-dimensional connectivity among the ECO member states.
More in his talks to IRNA, the ECI president emphasized the role played by media for strengthening cultural ties among nations.
He believed the cultural diplomacy will even work much stronger and more efficiently than political and economic diplomacy.
Mazaheri added that cultural diplomacy is like a tree with political and economic diplomacy as its fruits, sometimes there are no fruits but the tree stands forever.