In an interview with IRNA, Mohsen Saleh said Rouhani’s re-election for the second time in the first round had a lot to say both in domestic stability and in the campaign mottos. Iranians showed through their political understanding that in the present phase, they don’t look for radical changes, and that they are committed to the Islamic Revolution’s values.
The Lebanese analyst went on to say, “This victory is a proof of deep-rooted democracy in Iran and people’s power in electing a responsible government.”
Saying that the massive turnout in the election was an affirmative answer to the Supreme Leader’s invitation to take part in the election, he added.
When saying “the victory of peace against aggressionism”, Rouhani didn’t address his words to inside of Iran, but he was referring to the West and Arabs’ conspiracies following the US and the Zionists, said the Lebanese analyst.
The professor of political sciences said, “The candidates weren’t fundamentally different, but they had differences in the minutiae and their perceptions from domestic economic issues, and not anything such as nuclear issue, the establishments’ value-based approach, the governance of the jurisprudent (velāyat-e faqih), and jurisdiction of the Guardian Council, the Expediency Discernment Council of the System, and Majlis (the Parliament).
Saleh said Iranian people didn’t retreat from their interests, despite unfair sanctions of the West and the US on Iran.
He also said that the 16 million votes of Ebrahim Raisei, Rouhani’s electoral opponent, shows people’s will for improving economic situation, and resisting against the West’s excessive demands.