In the meeting, Salehi Amiri said cultural relations are the basis of politico-economic ties, adding Iran and Algeria with their cultural backgrounds and rich civilizations can have more extensive relations.
Iran is ready to cooperate in the fields of cinema, music, art and culture with Algeria and the ground for such cooperation is prepared, said the Iranian minister.
He also proposed holding talks between religious scholars of the two countries, saying they could be very helpful.
Salehi Amiri said Iran’s cinema has a prominent position in the world and large investment and planning is made in Iran in film industry.
He appreciated the great role of Prime Minister Sellal in consolidation of bilateral ties, adding there are plenty of reasons for cooperation but no reason for lack of it.
Minister of Culture said, 'We expect your assistance in starting banking relations between the two countries and we hope you prevent issuance of a statement against Iran in Arab League Meeting and we are thankful for your negative votes on human rights resolutions on Iran.'
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal said relations with Iran is moving forward without any problem.
'Saudi Arabia asked us to joint their coalition on Yemen, but we did not accept it,' said the Algerian Prime Minister.
He said Algeria welcomes expansion of cultural relations, adding Algeria has already had good cinema industry which could be strengthened with the help of Iran.
The prime minister said, 'Algeria has had good progress in fine arts, and we hope that Iran will help us with modern technologies and we believe cultural exchanges are very effective.'
Algerian nation is deeply familiar with Iranian culture and there is no limitation for cultural relations with Iran, he said.
On banking relations betwen the two countries, Sellal said he had given several orders to solv problms in this regard.
He added the two countries have no problems on economic relations, Algeria is interested to expand such ties.
On Algerian foreign policy, Sellal said, 'On terrorism our policy is completely clear and we are sorry for situation in Syria and Iraq and we always stand by Syria.'
The Algerian prime minister underlined that the problem of Syria is Israel, adding that Iran’s policy is correct and Iran should promote its politico-economic power.
'As th prime minister of Algerian government, I declare our readiness for expansion of cultural ties with Iran,' Sellal added.
President Abdelaziz Bouteflika's policy on Iran is steady and there is no ambiguity in relations with Iran, Sellal concluded.