The illegitimate Zionist regime has been formed through occupation of Palestine and massacre of real owners of the land, he said, stressing that recent move by the Zionist regime’s parliament is another confirmation for its racist nature and policies over the past 70 years.
“US all-out support for the Zionist regime, Trump administration’s move in relocating the country’s embassy to the holy Quds, certain Arab states’ attempts to normalize ties with the occupiers of Palestine, failure to punish the regime for violating international regulations and daily massacre of oppressed Palestinian nation will embolden them to continue the policy of Judization and ethnic cleansing,” he said.
Noting that the era of apartheid and racism has come to a close, he said that racism in Palestine will be wiped out by the Palestinian nation and freedom-seeking Muslim nations.
On July 19, 2018, the Israeli parliament ratified into law an apartheid system that has long been a reality. “Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People,” is the newly approved basic Law in a country where such laws take the place of the constitution Israel has never had.
As per the law, land of Palestine is considered historic land of Jews who will only have the right to decide for the land.
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