He made the remarks in reaction to the Thursday night US attack on a Syrian airfield.
“The fact-finding mission should not include unfair people and the US should not direct it,” the president noted.
He added that the issue of use of chemical weapons in Syria should be surveyed by neutral countries to find the source of these weapons and those behind their transfer to the region.
According to the UN reports, Syria chemical weapons were destroyed two years ago and the claims about existence of these weapons in the region should be surveyed and made clear, the president said.
He criticized the US attack on Syrian airfield and noted, “When the issue is not still clear, Americans who suppose themselves to be the world police, leader and judge, launched a midnight missile attack on a Syrian airfield and killed innocent people.”
“Why shoud a sovereign state be attacked,” Rouhani questioned.
Addressing the US President Donald Trump, he said that the guy who is now governing the US, claimed in his election campaign that he planned to fight terrorists but now terrorists are celebrating the US attack on Syrian Army.
“If you were honest in your claim of fighting terrorists, why did you attack the Syrian Army,” the president added.
He referred to many deficiences the UN and US Congress have and noted that the US government did not even take permission from the UN and the US Congress and attacked Syria in an oppressive, flagrant and aggressive way against all international principles.
Elsewhere in his remarks, President Rouhani referred to developments in the US politics and noted, “It is not clear what the new US officials have dreamed about the region and the world.”
“In this situation, we need to be more vigilant and united than the past; We should be ready for all possibilities.”
Holding elections in a good way would prove Iran’s national power, the president said in a reference to the upcoming presidential and City Council elections to be held on May 19.
US’ first aggression on Syrian Army’s positions under Donald Trump happened on Thurdady night by launching 59 missiles on Shayrat Airfield in Homs province.
According to foreign media reports, two US warships in the Mediterranean Sea fired 59 Tomahawk missiles intended for a single target - Shayrat Airfield in Homs province in western Syria, the US Defense Department said.
The missile attack was carried out without permission from UN Security Council and the US Congress.