"The issues of regional cooperation, the struggle with the international terrorism, discussions about transit freight, as well as the development of cooperation in the political sphere, are planned (to be discussed) at the meeting," Khikmet Gadzhiev told reporters on Friday as cited by Sputnik.
The trilateral foreign ministerial meeting will be held on April 5-6, he added.
Bilateral cooperation between the three nations is also expected to be discussed in the ministerial meeting.
Iran's Oroumiyeh and Azerbaijan's Nakhchivan had played host to previous trilateral ministerial meetings between the countries.
Earlier, Hikmat Hajiyev, another spokesman for Azerbaijan’s Foreign Ministry, had said that a three-way meeting will be also held between the foreign ministers of Iran, Russia and Azerbaijan on April 7 in Baku, one day after the Ramsar talks.
Baku's trilateral foreign ministerial meeting will reportedly discuss the North-South Transport Corridor project, which aims to reduce the costs and the time of ship, rail and road deliveries to and from Russia, India, Iran, Azerbaijan and other countries located along the route.
Tasnim News Agency - politics