“Today 24 NGOs asked @antonioguterres [The UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres] to stand up for children in Yemen by keeping Saudi-led coalition on his 'list of shame' and moving them to list of those who have failed to protect @childreninwar [The UN Office of the Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict which serves to protect the rights of children affected by war],” Jo Becker wrote in her Twitter account.
“Despite the scale of violations, the Coalition was the only party to the armed conflict in Yemen listed in the newly-created Section B of Annex 1 among other “Listed parties that have put in place measures during the reporting period aimed at improving the protection of children,” the letter reads.
“In 2017, however, the Coalition continued its child rights violations, including air strikes that have killed and maimed scores of children. We believe that the Coalition’s measures to protect children have been insufficient and are asking you to move the Saudi Arabia-led Coalition to the list of parties that have not taken measures to protect children in your upcoming Annual Report,” according to Save The Children website.
The NGOs continued saying “although your report last year noted that Saudi Arabia had set up a “Child Protection Unit” at the Coalition’s command center in Riyadh, we have seen no evidence on the ground that this has yielded any marked shifts in behavior.”
Referring to the Joint Incidents Assessment Team (JIAT), the letter said “JIAT has so far only released initial results on some 56 air strikes, in the vast majority of which the Coalition has been largely absolved of responsibility.”
Riyadh and its allies have made no military achievements through their aggression except for turning the impoverished country into ruins.
Some 14,000 Yemeni civilians, mainly women and children, have been killed in the Saudi-led coalition aggression against Yemen.
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