Killing of the Iran Nuclear Deal as well as intensifying the sanctions against Iran and Hezbollah in the US Congress; commemorating the death of 241 US marines in Beirut and accusing Iran and Hezbollah for that; inviting Iraq's [Prime Minister] Heidar al-Abadi to Saudi Arabia with the promise of reviving Riyadh-Baghdad ties and making sizeable investments in Iraq along with mounting pressures against Iraqi popular forces; resignation of [Lebanese Prime Minister] Saad Hariri under the pretext of Iran and Hezbollah's interference in Lebanon; and worst of all, releasing forged documents by the CIA to link Iran to Al-Qaeda, have all been indicative of the onset of the Riyadh-Tel Aviv-Abu Dhabi plot to counter Iran in the region.
Following the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States, the US Congress authorized the country's president in 2001 to use military force against any individuals and countries that had a hand in the event or somehow helped it happen. Known as the 'Permission of 2001,' The authorization was used to attack Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.
To attack a country without permission of the Congress, the US president must make it clear that the country is somehow related to the 9/11 attacks or its terrorists and has somehow helped them. Therefore, the US published the forged documents against to show that Iran is related to Al-Qaeda and its branches and affiliated groups.
Former US President George W. Bush used such fake documents to attack Iraq and then later it turned out that all the documents were unauthentic. Since the US Congressmen do not trust Donald Trump, they are now having serious talks on if they should renew the Permission of 2001 or not. Therefore, the lobby of Riyadh-Tel Aviv-Abu Dhabi is now seriously working to make this permission be used against Iran and its regional allies before it gets annulled.
A few days ago at Willard Hotel, during a meeting on US' lack of commitment to the Iran-G5+1 nuclear deal, prominent disarmament expert from one of the US think tanks said that despite all the Riyadh-Tel Aviv-Abu Dhabi pressures, the chances are remote that the Congress will decertify the Deal, unless in the coming few weeks, some new developments can change the Congress equations.
The analyst added that the White House is examining a scenario to return the sanctions without [against Iran] annulling the Nuclear Deal. They think that under the given circumstances, the Europeans will be forced to accompany the US against Iran, since with the US withdrawal from the Nuclear Deal officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the European will realize that the US has no commitments or restrictions for renewing nuclear sanctions against Iran.
After Trump took office, and despite some pessimism in Iran, in my interviews and articles, I have repeatedly referred to the threat of the aforementioned Triple Alliance against Iran with their objective to paralyze the JCPOA and counter Iran in the region.
Tel Aviv is the only winner of the existing situation in the Arab world.
The powerful Arab countries have either fallen or gotten stuck in internal crises, or even fell into the hands and under management of Tel Aviv. It seems that a new scenario has been set up for Iran and grounds are to be prepared for its implementation. The things motioned in the opening of this article are part of the mentioned scenario, and is likely that we witness other acts of the show in the coming weeks and months.
Other parts of the scenario are seen in Trump's recent behavior and stances, for example the suggestion to have a meeting with the Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, which was rejected; and he was sure that his offer will be turned down. Trump also pulled the French President Emmanuel Macron as the mediator into the guile. Trump wanted to tell the Europeans that he was ready for negotiation, but it was the Iranians who rejected him, so Iranians are not after negotiation. Therefore, the White House move was for disarming Europeans about Iran and to pave the ground for acting against Iran.
Another important point is that the US public idea about Trump is worsening day by day, in such a way that about two third of Americans have a negative idea about him. Consequently, it is much easier to obtain the public's support and win its consensus by putting forward the idea of 'countering Iran'.
It is crucial that the Iranian authorities take the threat seriously and take the necessary deterrent steps against it.
* Present senior researcher at Princeton University
Translator: Hossein Abolghasemi
Editor: Fatemeh m. Safaei
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