Chairperson of the Europal Forum, an independent organisation advocating Palestinian rights, Zaher Birawi, told IRNA, 'Unfortunately the British government is becoming more contradicting the values of the society in Britain and Europe.
'They are standing very close and supporting the war criminals and the far right leaders of America and this is dangerous not only in the Middle East and the Muslim Arab countries and in Palestine but it is dangerous for the west in general and that encourage the terrorist groups to do more work in order to hurt the western governments. What Theresa May and Donald Trump doing is encouraging these groups to do more terrorist actions.
'We believe such a welcome by the British PM to the war criminal Netanyahu is sending a very bad message to the British society specially those who signed the petition against the visit. The message is the government is careless about public opinion.
'The government is also sending a very serious message to Palestinian community saying that they don’t care, they don’t care about their right. They support the oppressor against the people of Palestine.'
Meanwhile, commenting on the same issue, Ben Jamal, Director of Palestinian Solidarity Campaign said, 'We would prefer that the British government did not accept visits from leaders who represents that are violating human right that have committed war crimes that do not recognize or implement international law.
'So if Theresa May is going to accept a visits from Benjamin Netanyahu then what she should be doing is saying that First of all the British government signed a UN resolution 2334 that stated very clearly settlement building is illegal is an obstacle to peace, but Mr. Netanyahu said to the world that he is going to expand settlement.
'So Theresa May should look into his eye and say that is in defiance of international law, my government is serious in supporting international law. We are going to treat them as illegal.
'I would advise her to implement an immediate ban of the import of Israeli goods. It is only that sort of pressure that’s going to make Israel start to change its policy. '
Commenting on British-US special relationship, Ben Jamal said, 'It is important that Britain has alliances with other countries; Of course alliance with US has always been an important one but the question is at what cost.
If America is led by somebody who is misogynistic, who makes racists statements, who implements a ban on Muslims traveling to the US then why do we want to build an alliance with such a man.'