In the ceremony, the manager of Mahdiabad Complex Amin Safari said that according to the agreement, the investor should construct the factory in four years, but the programs presented by the investor show that if the infrastructures are ready, the first phase of the factories would be operational in early 2019, and after two years, the complex would be producing concentrate.
The factories being operational, beside promoting employment, would provide Iran with the opportunity to play a role in the world lead and zinc market as a major producer, he added.
After the full operation of the factories, the program would annually produce 800,000 tons of 35 percent zinc concentrate as the main product and lead-silver concentrate as a by-product.
Mahdiabad lead and zinc mine is 45 km away from Mehriz town, and 100 km from Yazd city.
The mine, a reserve with 200 million tons of mineral (70% zinc, 30% lead) is one of the biggest Middle East mines.