Xue Li, in an interview with the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) on Sunday, referred to the signing of Iran's nuclear deal, which was sponsored by the international powers, as a good example for realizing the modern world relations, adding that Trump had exited from JCPOA and is Threatening to sanction Iran which it shows that Trump's personal interests are different from America.
He said that even the US Republicans did not support him in withdrawal of Trump from JCPOA and re-enforcing sanctions against Iran, adding, “Trump is not in favor of diplomacy and he is looking for an enemy.”
Director of Strategic Studies at the Institute of Politics and World Economy of China, identified one way of confronting Trump as establishing unity against him, saying, “Given the trade war that he has launched against the world, especially China, a number of countries in the world have now differences with him.'
The Chinese expert refereed to buying oil from Iran by Yuan as one of the ways to confront the US, saying, “We should not launch a military campaign, but we must confront America with the war of trade and unity.”
He said that the pressure from other countries to Washington caused the country to exempt eight countries from Iranian oil purchases, which is a great victory for Iran, saying that many countries want to be exempted from US sanctions against Iran.
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