Head of Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (TCCIM), Masoud Khansari, made the remarks in an address to the Iran- Denmark trade session on Thursday.
Khansari said sound implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) has prepared the ground for the European countries play an active role in Iran’s economy.
Grounds are now well prepared for a sound competition in the Iranian marketplace and the role of European countries could be of high importance, he said.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), signed between the TCCIM and Danish Industries Confederation last year, prepared the ground for a broad-based economic cooperation between the two countries.
Economic relations between Iran and Denmark date as back as about one century ago, he said, adding that the first pasteurized milk factory was established in Iran by Denmark, while they have also been playing active role in other industries such as pharmaceuticals as well as cement, he said.
Many Iranian nationals immigrated to Europe in the past and gained high- ranking social and economic positions, he said.
After implementation of the JCPOA, Iran turned into a new economic power, welcoming active presence of the world countries, the European ones in particular, he said.
Industrial infrastructures, suitable geographical condition, geographical proximity with seven countries surrounded with arid regions and as secure Middle East country have made it a suitable place for foreign investors, he said.
With a population of 80 million, Iran can provide access to some 400 populations in the region for economic purposes, Khansari said.
Iran ranks first in the world in terms of gas reserves and is also among the countries rich in oil as there are more than 50 minerals in the country and they account for suitable ground for broadening cooperation with other countries, he said.
Iran requires some dlrs 50 billion foreign investment to hit its target of six percent economic growth this year, he said.
Over 200 economic delegations visited Iran last year and many of the deals, signed during the visits, for example the deals signed with with the French, Italian and Austrian companies, are now in force, he said.
Iran continued cooperation with such countries as India, China and South Korea, which did not stop economic cooperation with the country during economic sanctions, he said.
Banking problems have not been resolved yet and it is expected that Denmark will take initiative to remove the barriers, he said.
A 30-member Iranian delegation, headed by the TCCIM head, Masoud Khansari, arrived in the Czech Republic and Denmark to confer with the countries' businessmen and industrialists, he said.
The Iranian economic delegation will leave Copenhagen for Tehran on Friday night.