Noure'din Shahnazi Zadeh told IRNA on Sunday that Royal Dutch Shell signed an MoU based on which the Company should have finalized its studies and presented the results to National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) in 6 months,” he said.
Two months have passed the deadline of the MoU with Shell, said the official.
Since there is no other appicant but Shell, there might be no tender for the project and negotiations might start.
“An Iranian firm also expressed readiness to finance implementation of Kish Gas Field development plan,” he added.
The MoU on studying Kish Gas Field was inked between Shahnazi Zadeh and deputy head of Shell Company on Dec 7, 2016.
Kish Gas Field is the second biggest gas field in the Persian Gulf after South Pars oil and Gas Field.
It is expexted that after implementation of this project about 4 million barrels of gas condensates and 9 billion cubic meters of natural gas will be produced annually.