Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif and Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan Sun Weidong launched the project located in Eastern Punjab province.
The project comprises of two 660MW plants with a total capacity of 1320 MW. The production from second unit will start from June 2017.
The plant has been constructed by a joint consortium of China's state-owned Huaneng Shandong which owns 51% of shares, and the Shandong Ruyi Science & Technology Group, which holds 49% of shares. Total cost of the project is $ 1.8 billion.
This is a coal fuel Power Project, which is environmentally compliant and the High thermal efficiency will result into less use of fuel. The annual power generation from the project is expected to exceed 9 Billion kWh.
Pakistan is currently facing severe power shortage and the government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is making efforts to cope with the energy crisis in the country. Currently the power shortfall is around 6200MW which could further increase with the coming hot weather.
Iran is also exporting over 100 MW of electricity to Pakistan but has said that it can export up to 3000 MW to the country.
Under the CPEC China will invest about $ 50 for energy and infrastructure projects in Pakistan. The corridor will link the Xinjiang region in western China to the Gwadar port of Pakistan. Iran has already shown interest in joining the project.