It does not mean that Iran will receive $ 41 billion by the end of the year because Iran receives its money with a delay of few months, the minister said.
'We received $ 24.7 billion over the past nine months of the year and we will earn significant amount of money in the remaining months of the year, which will definitely help the government meet the target budget,' Zangeneh said.
Asked whether Iranian oil revenues are blocked in certain countries, he said, 'I don't confirm that.'
'No Iranian money is blocked and we receive all our money.'
Over the sanctions time, Iran exported some one million barrels per day crude oil, while it had no direct access to the financial resources coming from its exports, Zangeneh said.
A large part of Iran's oil revenues were frozen during the sanctions time and in some cases Iran had to import commodities instead of getting the money, the minister added.
With removal of sanctions following Iran nuclear deal last year, Iran was allowed to increase its oil exports up to the pre-sanction level and the financial resources were also unfrozen, Zangeneh said.