Home / Economy / KFTZ joins UNWTO


The KFTZO's Public and International Affairs Department quoted Deputy Head of Kish Free Trade Zone for Tourism Affairs Ali-Reza Qaedian as saying that the Zone had got the UNWTO membership in the 109th session of the World Tourism Organization's Executive Council session, held in Manama, Bahrain on October 31.

The Council meets at least twice a year.‎

‎‎The Council consists of Full Members elected by the Assembly in the proportion of ‎one Member for every five Full Members, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure ‎laid down by the Assembly with a view to achieving fair and equitable geographical ‎distribution.‎

The term of office of Members elected to the Council is four years and elections for ‎one-half of the Council membership are held every two years. Spain is a Permanent ‎Member of the Executive Council.‎

‎‎The Council elects one Chair and two Vice-Chairs from among its Members.


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